Tuesday, October 12, 2010
great plans
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I do believe there is free speech
SEATTLE - A Seattle cartoonist is disappearing from view after
one of her drawings sparked an international controversy.
The Seattle Weekly reports that Molly Norris is changing her name
and wiping away her identity on the advice of the FBI.
Last may Norris posted a cartoon on her blog called "Everybody
Draw Muhammed Day" in response to what some considered censoring
of the TV show South Park.
The swell of support for her cartoon on Facebook prompted
Pakistan to pull the social networking site off line for awhile.
So once more a person using her freaking right,which is preserved within the basics of living in America, has to run and hide.I do believe in freedom of speech,very much so, as a artist that is out soapbox,our muse,our right to use,yet not to abuse it. So when does one abuse the right of free speech? This differs for everyone, we all believe in different things that shape us,religion, upbringing,nature and nurture but I hope as a race of mostly hairless bi-peds we can agree thast drawing a cartoon should not now nor ever be a reason to change your name and hide!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
your a what?
Here's how those conversations go:
you are at a birthday party of a friend
"hello" Artist (a)
"Jay" (a)
"good party ain't it?"
"yeah,cold beer,chips,yep pretty ok" (a)
"So what do you do"
"I'm an artist" (a)
thunder rings across the sky,lighting shows the now stunned Ben with visions of yet one more unemployed freeloader eating his tax dollars.He takes a step back.By now seconds have crept by and he knows he needs to say something.
"Oh,so like what do you do?"
"I paint,draw,teach amongst others" (a)
That just reinforced his idea of a adult unwilling to grownup,cause you are not working for someone or better yet,you did not go to college..
"What kind of paintings?
"portraits mostly,but I can do most things" (a)
by now I get enoyed.
"yeah art school,6 years of college taught me enough to start my own studio and make a good living"
Eyebrows raise slightly..
"Really, 6 years hmm"
"yeah but I was done in 4" (a)
"so you work for your self"
"yep no boss,I can start when everrr I want"(a)
enter sip og beer and smurk smile.
Now I know, not all artists have been to art school or work for them selfs,yet we are cut from the same wood. We all have to endure the looks and talks of being less then them. What they forget or even do not know,we are better because we are close to what they have3 lost..a connection to our creativity.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
the theory of creativity
nom nanom nom nanom,ok?.cool.
You see them flat,stinky things with little wrigley thangs down there? Them be feet,now what we are looking for are those little things down there you can move and sometimes are piggy's how go to market,toes. Deep down there weird things life and lay dorment until you need them,like names and answers to the most weirdest jeopardy questions and one more thing,creativity.
There a few different types of artist,most of them are either these,
-the hobby artist
-the semi pro artist
-the pro artist
think about it,you are 1 of them and all is fine.But all of us are creating,yet there is 1 major difference.As a full time artist I and with me a lot of others do not have the luxery to wait for our toes to give it,we need to wring it out there when we need it! And trust me the mood never strikes when the deadline is sneaking up on you like a homeless persone to a twinky!
But there are a few way to force the juices out of your toes and onto your canvas. What I mean is a mental block.
ok,enough ninja and homeless people jokes. A mental block sucks and can be hard to brake,I've had to climb them many times over the years and I have found a few ways to get further,with out drugs or alcohol.
Go walking, try finding a nice remote path and walk slow and try not to think about your project. Let your sences pick everything up,the woods are great to do this. Collect the smells and feelings. Wind is a great medium of getting rid of the codwebs.
This one needs guts and is for the city dwellers. Find a place with lots and lots of people! sit or lay down,close your eye's and soak the sounds and emotions of the people around you up. Replace your block with that.
read,read and read..try talking books while painting! there is a part of your brain listening to the book or music with no words!, and it helps to get things flowing.
Watch as little tv as you can,it does not stimulate the brain at all.
and draw,everyday a little.
Monday, August 23, 2010
emotions in art
Over the years I have created countless pieces or art ranging from sculptures to large paintings. Once in while,as most artists will do I dig out older works or better yet my written journals and look at my artistic past. If you never look back the future will be a dark haze,yet reading your past through your ideas and writings and arts are a great way to see your future. And after all that is where you want to be. But as I lay out my works and read entrees I see a theme emerging, emotions dictate my work.
Not shocked but suprissed I read my ideas through from a year ago, I am not a planner,they fall apart faster then I can make them,but I see that I do make plans when ruled more heavely by darker set emotions. Then I tend to work more on my own art,not so much commissions. Art is therapy after all.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
arts and crafts
the handcrafting and decoration of esp. utilitarian objects.
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arts and crafts
the handcrafting and decoration of esp. utilitarian objects.
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arts and crafts
the arts of decorative design and handicraft; "they sponsored arts and crafts in order to encourage craftsmanship in an age of mass production"
In order to to encourage CRAFTSMANSHIP in an age of crap (mass production). So it is training to be better, a form of exercise in order to get good at what your doing. Does this mean that arts and crafts is less then just art? In order to know that we need to know what is art:
"the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. " is what the dictionary say's.
What strikes me is the word quality. Does arts and crafts has quality? Less to me then "true" art. Arts and crafts is playing, nothing wrong there, but creating true art is not playing. Modern,abstract, impressionism and styles like that are to me NOT art. The are arts and crafts.
I hang out with a group of people whom art journal and the man whom "runs" the show every thursday, places the same feelings and "honour" to arts and crafts the he does on art. Stamping is not art, nore is flinging paint on a surface, it's playing, to loose and un controlled, art is control, knowing what you are doing, in control of the out come.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
dang how times fly..
But work is steaming a head as normal. Now Rob Zombie is done a new project has reared it's not so ugly head. Trent Reznor from NIN will be next. I found a great picture and the canvas is primed.
I have been doing a lot of origami as of late, I'll take some pictures soon.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Dream big!
Everyone dreams, be it big or small. Some of us follow those dreams, more of us alas don’t. I understand both of those people, for the first takes guts and sacrifice and determination amongst other things, the later though is safe and if you’r secure in what and wehere you are it is hard to throw caution to the wind. Best dreams are had when your young I think, at that point you can still follow them with leaving to much behind. Now that we are all grown up and have lives and are fastened in place by the things we love and treasure, dreams change, at least they did for me.
I am a lucky guy though, even though I worked my self to death to get where I am and to do the things I wanted to do in between. Work and school were at that point my life, I worked to travel and while I traveled I worked. This way I saw most of this planet and I carry the momentums on my body. Now things are way different, I own a few degree, art, history and herpetology, I have a family and bills. I love my life but dreams are ever there to all of us and I am no exeption. But they have changed, I wish to show my daughter the good things in live and the beatifull places I’ve been, the people I’ve met and the hings I’ve done. Teach her that the best things in life are the smallest things that, and I have come to believe, only artist see. The colors on flowers, shapes of clouds, sounds of animals, hidden things in objects just wanting to be released by us artists. That is what I dream of, and more.
But my point of this subject is different then those dreams, there about the ones that you have more then ones, the ones that wake you up and make you want to get up and do. But you also know are either completely out of your reach or you know are an up hill battle to get there. And when you do, would have it been worth the price for every dreams demands one. So what do we do with those dreams? I have spend many afternoon in the shade of a tree or a star filled night thinking about that and I think I know what would and have worked for me. Scale. If your dream is a big one! Scale it down so the essence is still there and enjoy the trip to that center. For me the very first one was sculpture. I am a big man and with that I dream big. Now what would be the trouble there you would wonder. Space for one and the biggest one that has axed my dreams and ideas more then anything else money. I have tons of great ideas and things I would love to make and know deep inside and with no shame I would do great at, but the lack of funds is ever there so here comes my idea of scale in to play.
My sculpture that I am tinkering with now is a way smaller idea of what the original should be, never give up hope of for filling your dreams. I love kinetic sculptures and so I am building one. There’s a few different ones I want, so I am building three at this moment, all small and made out of materials I can afford and on a scale I can either sell them with out destroying my home to get them through the door, yes working in the north west means working inside most days and that means think about the size of your door!.
So the smaller and cheaper, that, to me, does not mean the dream of seeing it come to gether or even work is less. Better yet there is a great sense of pride seeing it move or when two things come together and “click”. Just because there not at the size you dreamed it of, makes it not less. I look at it as a sketch as well, this way if I ever meet some one with more money then me, like a homeless guy lol, then I know which pitfalls to avoid and I have a template, a working model to work from! So do not put your dreams a side because your rational mind thinks they are to big.
update june 4th 2010
It's been a while and a few things have happened. The wife got bunnies and I started and finished a nother painting, this would be the Rob Zombie one I've talked about before. On a friday i started drawing it out on a canvas and once in a while you get those paintings that just are dying to come out. This was one of them, it was a shear pleasure to paint this one. The face came out smoothly in just a few hours and with no true trouble.
I've picked two next ones but things are going to bet a but hectic here soon with visitors that stay for 3 weeks and building cages for the rabbits.
That would be the link to see the Zombie videos and more!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Dio revealed last summer that he was suffering from stomach cancer shortly after wrapping up a tour in Atlantic City, N.J., with the latest incarnation of Black Sabbath, under the name Heaven And Hell.
"Today my heart is broken," Wendy Dio wrote on the singer's site, adding he died at 7:45 a.m. "Many, many friends and family were able to say their private goodbyes before he peacefully passed away.
"Ronnie knew how much he was loved by all," Wendy Dio continued. "We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us ... Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever."
The statement was confirmed by Los Angeles publicist Maureen O'Connor. Dio was being treated at a Houston hospital, according to his site.
Though Dio had recently undergone his seventh chemotherapy treatment, he was hopeful to perform again. Earlier this month, Heaven And Hell canceled its summer tour, but Dio did not view being sidelined as a permanent thing.
"Wendy, my doctors and I have worked so hard to make it happen for all of you, the ones we care so much about, that this setback could be devastating, but we will not let it be," he said in a statement. "With your continued love and support, we ... will carry on and thrive. There will be other tours, more music, more life and much more magic."
Dio rose to fame in 1975 as the first lead singer of Rainbow, the heavy metal band put together by guitarist Ritchie Blackmore, who had just quit Deep Purple.
Dio then replaced legendary vocalist Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath in 1980 with the critically acclaimed album "Heaven And Hell," considered by many critics to be one of the finest heavy metal albums of all time. His on-again, off-again tenure with Black Sabbath touched off an intense debate among fans as to which singer was the true essence of the band — a discussion that lasted until his death.
He also enjoyed a successful solo career with his self-titled band, Dio, in between his three stints with Black Sabbath (1980-82; 1992; and 2007-2009, when the band toured as Heaven And Hell, to differentiate it from Osbourne-led versions of Sabbath).
Many of his most memorable songs revolved around the struggle between good and evil, including his signature tune "Heaven And Hell." He also drew heavily on medieval imagery in songs like "Neon Knights," "Killing The Dragon" and "Stargazer."
"He possessed one of the greatest voices in all of heavy metal, and had a heart to match it," said Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French, whose band toured with Dio since 1983, and was to do so again this summer at European rock festivals. "He was the nicest, classiest person you would ever want to meet."
Dio organized an all-star charity collaboration in 1986 called "Hear N' Aid" to raise money for famine relief in Africa, styled on the successful "We Are The World" campaign of a few years earlier.
His solo hits included "Rainbow In The Dark," "The Last In Line" and "Holy Diver."
Saturday, May 15, 2010
t'was a while ago
So what is new? Lots be new, there is a newsletter now! the third is under construction as we speak. Henry Rollins joins the ranks of my painted lovely's, more canvasses have been born and primed ready to roll. The video is on my you tube channel:
I have reached 25 subscribers there new, that is 12 more then last time we talked about that.
for now I have to leave it at this, but more soon.
to get a FREE newsletter just e-mail me:
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
April 30th
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
things be getting done!
This morning ( april 21) I started the sketches and value drawings for the next big painting, the Henry Rollins. He's going to be a pain,a lot of shadow play. But it will look great when done.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
new things and updates
I sanded down the wooden smiling creature I have been carving over the last two weeks, he be ready for paint now. He's going to be blue and green with yellow, should look good.
Slowly my You-Tube channel is getting filled and the amount of subscribers is climbing lol....13 hahaha oh yeah mister world freaking famous artist here man!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
The death of an Icon
Rest now then my friend, you will be missed.
......and a rant was born..
I hate modern art...there it is out..he sighs deep an wipes sweat from his brow. Before you art lovers start lighting the pyre let me explane. Before all, let me make one thing clear, this is not written out of spite, not am I jalouse.
I just watched a 30 minute documentory of a Australian "artist" who paints his friends while they are on the brink of death from alcohol. Nice friend indeed if you know he does not pay them after he sells the painting, better yet one of his friends, whom by now ride high on his high, took out a home loan to pay for HIS freaking face painted on a canvas the size of a mini van.
Every few minutes he stands with this wrinkled old hag just crawling up his ass to please not be left out from his 15 minutes of shame, because she has no talent her self but is a feminist so for freaks sake she knows what she is talking about when she talkes about HIS feelings behind a painting.
All in all the whole thing left a taste in my mouth as i was to french kiss a badger...I know many artists who deserve the gallery space way more then this drunk guy does. True art takes work, practice to get better and talent. No matter what modern artists may say, blobbing paint around is NOT art, dripping paint is NOT art, crapping on a canvas and rolling over it be not art my friend just dirty. I hate seeing modern artists looking at people who don't GET there work...what is the hell is there to get? it's a blob..a blob!!! Oh but color field is true art..bite me modern artist! it is not, it is form of frustration of not being able to draw or paint, or to put in the many hours of work that it takes to learn to draw and paint well. They hide there short comings with a terrible thing...ART TALK...the talk of art. The bitter words of..This is what is is..hmm ok looks like a series of colorfull sneezings of the crayola isle the mr pollock. But I felt like this when i painted this...who cares your drippings are just that drippings that are surrounded by crayon lines. Animals at the zoo do that.
Where they get a million per piece they "worked" om for about 15 minutes spitting paint, walking over it, dripping, blobbing and looking art full serieus. Bogus beyond means that real artists who do know how to make a true piece of art never get to see the light of day, the gallery whores are to busy buying overly priced crap. Watch the movie "my child can paint that" and see what i mean.
funnt is it not that al young wonders of the art world make modern art?
Sunday, April 11, 2010
new things coming up
I have been working on creating a newsletter, letting you know what's up at Moonlight Creations Studios, admit it, you always wanted that. There will be several goodies in there to, surprises!
Now some updates...The Johnny Cash portrait drawing is done, pictures soon. Patti is almost done to, I've added more undertones and just need to add the true shadows on that. It works really good creating the value first with grey's. I'll make a video about that soon as well,
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
April update..7th//or something around there

Those are two new pieces I made. Freddy was a pain the butt with all the vains and different colors.
Things are getting along with different projects. Patti Smith is almost ready to get shaded and The roughness of the canvas is prooving not to be a problem after sanding it slightly, I do need to re-stretch it a bit at te end but I taught as much, the heavynes of the gesso made the canvas looser then I wanted, but that is why I left room for more staples.Things will be ok. In a few day's I'll be working on that one again. I also decided what is going on the really big canvas I made ( 3 by 3 feet). I've found a great photo of Henry Rollins, I wanted to paint him for a long time but could never find the right shot, now I did. Can't wait, I do how ever make an extra support on my easel, the new canvas is to big hahaha. If I sit down I come like half way up to it, so I need to lower my easel a bit. No problem.
Check out my you-tube channel to see the start of the Patti Smith painting:
Friday, April 2, 2010
april 2-2010
I started a new painting today as well. I build the canvas earlier this week, primed it yesterday, it had all night to dry, so I took some pictures, it is for a new video, and started drawing on the face. Even though I know...a painting needs to be done with paint and a drawing with pencil, yet I like to draw the details in and get an early peak at the feeling of the painting. Now I know that after an hour or so, everything is where it needs to be and the face looks like a face too. It's a 3 quarter portrait of Patti Smith. If you reacted by "Who?" go Google it and shame upon thee!
The new woodcarving is coming along as well, I shipped at it some more, the arms are going to be a pain, but it will be worth it.
Soon a trip to the paintstore for some colors and I will get things cooling like a BBQ in Hell.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
As an artist we need to create to live, there is no other way. Creation costs money, be it paints or pencils or even the paper to write a poem on.
I have bought pre streched canvases for years and because of that I had to calculate that into my price when I sell the piece. A while ago I started looking at a cheaper way to do this, I wanted bigger pieces and odd ball shapes, like triangles, or sizes to fit in a nook somewhere.
At my hardware store, I get my paints there, I spotted a canvas dropcloth for 9 dollars, its 6 by 9 feet and kind of rough. I bought that and 7 2 by 1's as well which where 8 feet long.
That and some screws i had made me 4 nice large canvases, the largest being 3 by 3 feet.
Just Gesso the end result and sand it down a bit to get the roughness down and there just fine!, for 16 dollars I got 4 large canvases, that and paints from the mis matched isle, you can be a very productive artist and not be broke!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
"Like what?" you ask..ok here we go.
I get my daughter to school in the morning, after I walk the dog. When I get home, my wife and I drink coffee and things go from there. There are several things I tend to do then, checking my e-mail is the first. Most times that will change a day's plan, work needs to get shuffled around then.
But then the fun starts, paint and pencils come out and I get to work. I work on several pieces at the same time, when one dries you do not have to wait...
Portraits are a large part of my portfolio so I have always at least on that I'm working on. During the day I tape some of the work I do, this gets posted on my You Tube account: http://www.youtube.com/user/juriaan13
When I am not recording it, I broadcast here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/juriaan
This way you all get to see what I'm doing and through the ustream you can talk to me to!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
There are countless way's to do that, mine are these.
To create is burden for one it starts, the floodgates are open, there is no turning back. For me my art is not to make you think hard about life, questions that otherwise would have not bother you. Who am I to make you think?
Yet I do hope my art and the feeling that my art brings forth will inspire you to make your own.
Through my diversity in media and themes I hope to make others enjoy art.
To get to that end I use simple graphite and charcoal the most, for the effect of shadows and highlights is massive and let's it self be worked in way's paint can't and will not. There are countless materials on which to draw, yet rough toothed board works for me the best. The roughness provides me with a chance to deepen the shadows even more, luring the onlooker deeper with the piece. Loosing one self with the work through the play between dark and light.
There is nothing better then being an artist, the freedom of expressing one's self upon canvas, to cut a piece of wood into a shape and run your fingers over it. To see people talk about your works in differend, giving them reason to talk once more with a fellow human being.
Every time a blank piece of paper has within it the power to be the next best thing you've made. The tension at the beginning, the sketch part, the first stroke is ever the best.
A piece that has matured over a time with in the studio can turn out well if there is no room to better it, at that point it is ready to be done and sighned. Some works take longer to get to that point and some never do. But a well done piece has it all, contrast, depth, and a soul. Only then it gets sighned.
Many artist form patterns over the years, through media, styles or subject. Because of the vast amount of great media I tend to switch and even intermix them, with that keeping my style fresh and ever changing. Like a tide never the same yet always is.
When I work with charcoal and pencils I am reminded that not every line or action is a permanent one, as are most things in life even though sometimes it feels that way.
I begin a piece by sketching the rough out lines, getting markers down on the blank background, this step is the most important and often reveals fast if the piece is going to fight me or is going to flow smoothly. Most of the times I will know when a piece is done when
I can no longer see room to improve it after it hung on the wall for a while, but other times, like portraits, the end result will pop up as a surprise. As a piece progresses the feeling of calm will behind the strokes. At the end this will show in the final piece and hopefully towards the vieuw as well.
While viewing my works, I wish not to change the un lookers world or even the ideas or there out look. I wish them to feel that they saw something they will tell there friends about, to start a coversation. Today the suttle art of talking to a fellow human being is almost feared. With my works I hope to start coversations.
Every drawing, paint,carving or piece starts different yet the same. A idea starts which is followed by a sketch. That might sit for a while until my eye gets caught to it. Then it gets enlarged and worked out in further detail. But portraits start different still, a photo is submitted or a live session isw made. From there a sketch is created and worked out from the eyes. I tend to work fast on portraits, pencil and charcoal lend them selves well for this, so most are done that way. Acrylic portraits are more for the dramatic look with deep shadows.
My carc\vings are done in basswood and are of a cartoon style, after there carved there sanded and painted.
The future holds many things and countless roads are yet untravelled, as an artist there are always new challenges to be taken. I am at the moment starting new works with a mix of cartoon and pop-art. Bolder colors and smaller seizes that will apeal to most.